Friday, March 29, 2013

Easter is a touching reminder of why I want to go to Germany. I definitely want to serve and love MKs! And  my ministry encourages the MKs' parents to have a fulfilling ministry in Europe and around the world. Parents cannot be missionaries if their children are not in a safe and enriching environment. Tonight some of my friends and I read the crucifixion story in John and prayed for a while. I realized how many people are not living in light of the reality of Jesus' sacrifice, and I realized that being an RA in Germany can indirectly contribute to more people knowing about Jesus.

I've been very stressed about support raising, general uncertainty about the summer, and classes. I sort of had a mini-melt down last Tuesday and Wednesday. Since then, God has encouraged me through Scripture, Elisabeth Elliot's Passion and Purity, and Easter break. I'm so grateful for Easter, and for remembering that I have SO MUCH to be thankful for... please pray that God will continue to renew my relationship with Him and keep my focus where it ought to be...on Jesus!

People have been asking me where Kandern answer has been, "I really don't know."  Maps aren't my thing. But I got really excited when I saw a map tonight! Kandern is very close to Switzerland and France.

Monday, March 11, 2013


Hey friends!

Welcome to my new blog! :) This is to keep my friends and family updated on my life as I prepare for and work on raising support to move to Black Forest Academy (BFA) in Kandern, Germany next year! 

I've been accepted to serve as an Resident Assistant (RA) in one of the dorms at BFA. This means that I will live in a dorm with middle or high school students and assist the dorm parents in taking care of the students. I will be going as a missionary with TeachBeyond.

First, my journey so far...

  • I went to a boarding school for high school at Dakar Academy, in Senegal. I had wonderful dorm parents and dorm sisters who made the experience a huge blessing in my life.
  • My sophomore year at Cedarville University I served as a RA for my hall. During that year, Black Forest Academy sent an informational email to all of the RAs at Cedarville to tell them about the RA positions at BFA. I remember thinking what a cool job that would be. :)
  • Last summer, I met a missionary who has served as an RA at Black Forest Academy last summer. She highly recommended it.
  • In December of 2012, I filled out my application for BFA.
  • I applied for TeachBeyond in January after meeting TeachBeyond missionaries at Cedarville's missions conference.
  • TeachBeyond and BFA representatives interviewed me in early February.
  • I was accepted at BFA on February 28, 2013, and TeachBeyond finalized their acceptance at that time as well!! :) ...I may have had a mini dance party in my room. =P
  • Now... I need to raise support!! :) More on that later.
Thank you so much for your prayer and support. I feel very fortunate to have you all in my life!

Love, Sarah

The Dorms This is one of the dorms at BFA.