Saturday, October 5, 2013

Life in Pictures

This month has been crazy, God-filled, humbling, encouraging, and eventful. Hang on for the ride! :)

First, I adore my girls!!! All 17 of them! :) They are beautiful, fun, and full of life.

The first weekend we took the girls to France (about 45 mins away) to shop for school supplies
Mountains along the way

Kandern had a festival during one of the first weekends after school started. It was so fun to experience a little German culture...

Enjoying the food with my friends Julie and Larisa
As an RA, I get to spend a ton of time in the kitchen... I'm learning to love to cook, and I'm also learning how to be better at cooking. But the best is when the girls cook with me!! :)

Chelsea made a beautiful Earl Grey tea cake with raspberries

Every month, each staff member gets one 4 day weekend to rest and/or travel. This takes the place of having regular weekends off, since the kids are obviously in the dorm on the weekends. For my first (and only, so far) weekend off, my boyfriend Erkai came to visit from Munich. He and I traveled with Jordan and Rachael, an RA couple from another dorm, to Lake Konstanz. It's a beautiful lake on the German/Swiss border.

Checking out the map of Konstanz
The beautiful cathedral in downtown
Lake Konstanz
Our hostel

Another part of daily routine in the dorm is that each afternoon, one of the staff members makes snack for the girls to eat after school.

One warm afternoon, Stacey decided that we should have a picnic on top of a mountain...Callie and I were quite happy to comply with that plan. :)

And...My ROOM! :)

This is a "before" picture
Another "before" picture
 A trip to IKEA and a little love made the room more homey...

I'm so blessed to have a TV! I love having the girls in my room to watch movies.

Little things to remind me of people I love
My own bathroom!
And...back to the door.

My room! Still a work in progress, but I love it.

Another fun event this month was cheering for our brother dorm, HBR, in the annual football game.

The dorm mom, Stacey, and one of the girls

Be afraid.

Ohhh yeahhhh
 Back in the kitchen! Callie got 6 pumpkins from a local farmer's market. Four hours later we had 66 cups of frozen pumpkin in the freezer... Mmm...pumpkin bread, lattes, scones, pancakes, smoothies... It's FALL!

Taking out our aggression on the pumpkins
 This weekend is super quiet because the juniors are in Normandy and the seniors are in Rome! We miss them, but it's also fun to have a "small" dorm and spend quality time with the freshmen and sophomores.

The seniors on our red couch, just before leaving for ROMA!
 Thank you soo much for all of your prayers and love! Please pray for me to have a continued good relationships with other staff members, grace for pouring love into the girls, and a closer relationship with Jesus. Thanks for being part of my life! :)